Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Thank-You to Our Republican Leaders

I heard the news today, oh boy.

According to a news story on MSNBC, we can expect as a nation to pay over $4.00 per gallon for gasoline this summer. As anyone who lives in California knows, that translates into about $5.00 for us.

I think it's time I showed my gratitude to the leadership of our nation for making this a reality.

Thank you, Republican leaders, for the last seven years of leadership.

Back in 1999, when our country was paying an average of $1.36 a gallon for gasoline, we needed to be saved. Kudos.

Back in 1999, we had a balanced budget and a surplus. Thanks for giving it all away. I guess you guys really are the fiscally responsible ones.

Between 1993 and 2000, we lost 59 American lives to Middle Eastern terrorists. In your first year in office after that, we lost 2,992 civilians to them. Thanks for keeping us safe.

Thank you, Republicans for leadership that was bold enough to ignore memos that warned you of Osama bin Laden's determination to "follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and 'bring the fighting to America'".

Back in 1999, we were letting Saddam Hussein live, silly us. You showed us how it was important to kill 4,000 American soldiers to make sure we got rid of him. I feel much safer now.

And we really didn't need our civil liberties. Thanks for relieving us of that burden.

Today we are a little more secure because you can listen in on our phone calls. Brilliant.

And even though we're in the biggest debt our nation has ever seen, you've convinced me that Republican are the ones we can trust with leading our nation.

I think I speak for everyone when I say we can't wait until November to show you just how grateful we all are.

Til then, I remain you lifelong admirer,

The Nutty Irishman

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